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Tempoh pinjaman (hari): 7

The Undercover Tai Tai

oleh Maria Camille O Calica

Penerbit - Marshall Cavendish Editions

Kategori - Chick-Lit

Amanda Tay thinks she is losing her mind—or starring in a surreal film by Stanley Kubrick. You would be too if you’ve been knocked unconscious on your first date in 27 years only to awaken in a beautifully appointed apartment that looks like a page from Tatler Magazine. Last time she checked, the film student-turned-book researcher was renting a tiny room in a flat, so what was she doing sprawled on a king-sized bed with 600-thread count bed sheets and a ponkan-sized bump on her head? The Undercover Tai Tai is a hilarious journey of a young woman who, while pretending to be someone else, makes connections with her past and discovers parts of herself that she never thought existed.

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