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Loan Duration (day): 7
by Dr Bruce Miller
Publisher - Oak Publication Sdn Bhd
Category - General Academics
As night follows day all women will pass through menopause. It is not a disease but with the onset of menopause women will experience a new set of health problems like vaginal dryness, bladder disturbances, hot flashes, skin wrinkling, facial hair growth and loss of sexual desire. Since the turn of the century a woman could expect to live to about forty-eight. Things have changed. At menopause a woman now has half of her adult life to live. The risks of developing osteoporosis, heart disease, breast cancer increases at this stage of a woman's life. There are many books on the market that deal in detail with the various facets of menopause. This book however will focus on nutrition, food supplements and lifestyles for women on hormones or women who want to pass through this phase of life naturally. I have also added a chapter on the risk and benefits of HRT. Women have now to take responsibility on themselves to learn all facets of menopause and how to cope with the changes that come with menopause so that the last half of a woman's life will be more vigorous and rewarding than the first half! Women who do not take the very best of their health from the five to seven years of menopause are the ones with the most health problems and poorest quality of life in later years.
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