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by Dr Bruce Miller
Publisher - Oak Publication Sdn Bhd
Category - General Academics
On January 22, 1971, President Richard Nixon declared total war on cancer. In the quarter century of the battle, we have consistently been defeated. Many critics call this a "medical Vietnam." In 1996 we had 550,000 deaths from cancer. That's 215,000 more than 1971. If this trend continues, cancer will overtake heart disease as the number one killer of Americans by 2000. Dr. John C. Bailor of the Harvard School of Public Health aptly says, "The main conclusion we draw is that some 35 years of intensive effort focused largely on improving treatment must be judged a qualified failure. The reasons for this failure need to be carefully assessed, but in the meanwhile it may be that our approach to cancer needs to be changed. The most promising areas are in cancer prevention." It is estimated that over 60 percent of all cancer has to do with what we eat or do not eat. Foods nutritional supplements and lifestyle changes are what this book is all about. Proper nutrition can make a tremendous difference in your chances of becoming a cancer statistic. Some of the topics covered are: What is cancer? How do you get it? Which food supplements help prevent cancer and how much to take? I strongly urge you to read this book now!
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